Sunday, September 22, 2019

How Foes Schlafapnoe Maske Work?

Basis on your sleep history, your doctor would suggest you schlafapnoe maske to cure your sleep disorder. A mask is an external device would work in a predetermined fashion.

Mask therapy

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): The device would build sufficient air-pressure to keep your upper airway passage open while you sleep. Attached to a pressure building machine, the device would produce more pressure than in the surrounding area. While CPAP therapy is the most suitable treatment for mild sleep disorder, but some people could find this schlafapnoe maske unsuitable.

Auto-CPAP: It is an automatic device that keeps adjusting the airway pressure so that the user doesn’t feel uncomfortable with the device. For example, the device would provide more pressure to inhale and lesser to exhale.

Oral appliance: While CPAP is more effective, some people prefer using manual device that can keep throat open during sleep. But some devices can even control snoring by bringing the jaw forward.

Does mask therapy work?

Yes, it does but the results depend on factors like overall medical condition of the patient and comfort level with appliances. Your doctor can determine the development at schlafapnoe folgen and give suggestions according to his findings.

An experienced doctor can give the right treatment on the right time. He will conduct necessary tests to determine gravity of situation and suggest measures to control the symptoms. But you should know schlafapnoe welcher arzt so that you get the complete treatment. For example, surgery is also an option for sleep apnea but it is the last option.

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